Funeral Services
The loss of a loved one can be a very difficult and painful time. As a church, we are well aware of this and the clergy are available to give their time to listen and care for those who are bereaved.
A funeral service is an important way of marking the end of a human life on earth, and where we give thanks to God for the life of the person who has died.

Members of the churches ministry team are available to take funeral services in our churches, local crematoriums or cemetery.
Arranging a Funeral
The initial contact with us is generally made throught the funeral director under your instruction.
We would arrange a mutually comvieneinet date and time for the funeral to take place and would then contact you to arrange a meeting and talk through the details of the church or cremation service.
If you would like to speak to a minister, or a member of the bereavement team, we would be happy to meet with you and your family.
Please email or contact the parish office on either:
Telephone: 01462 678133 or email: