St Nicholas Bellringers

With St Nicholas as the only church in Letchworth with a ringable set of tower bells, we host the only local bellringing group. 

Bellringing is great fun and rewarding in so many way:

    • a service to the church (weddings, church services, big country events) 
    • a fun social activty with a lovely group of people
    • travelling to ring other church bells in the country
    • a good mental workout (although no musical or mathematical ability is needed!)
    • a good workout but not too much!

You Want to Try, Don't You?

Who can blame you!!  Go on, don't be shy. 

Our bellringers come from all walks of life and span all ages (12+).  We practice on a Monday evening from 7.45pm-9pm.  If you would like to come and join us, or would like to have a try out session and begin learning, please get in touch with our Tower Captain via the Parish office:

Telephone: 01462 678133
